Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Cloth Diapers

When I found out I was pregnant first thing I started to think about were cost , budgets , cutting corners , what we could do.
Breastfeeding was a yes, cost, yes, but for the wellness and the bonding as well.
Cloth diapers though, well yes expensive at one time purchase.  Not like weekly or whatever for
Washing yes, is a cost, but that is not much of a cost that adds up.
I bought from some local shops on line.
I am a mother of 4, lets face it I work full time to
pay for those four kids to have things.
I budget.  I found fantastic choices, fabulous quality.
Shipping does take 3 weeks.
For the price and quality well worth it.

Cloth Diapers - Galore !

My mom is a addict.
She loves cloth diapers.
I have 6 new ones hemp micro fiber. Pocket Diapers.
Bamboo Charcoal Inserts 5 layer.
Like Christmas or your birthday.

4 months Another Milestone

I did it !
Last night.
March 7, 2017 I turned 4 months old.
Also - I rolled OVER !
At the doctors today, I rolled right over as well.
I am growing up quickly.
I have slept through the night twice in the past 4 days.
I eat a bit more now at each and feeding. 
My naps have diminished in time and frequency for certain.
I can play on my tummy 1 minutes at a time.
I love to grab and play from my back as well. Kick and giggle
grasp and pull.  Just learning to what my hands are.
My hands are my most favorite chew thing now.
You can always find them in my mouth .

Today was my 4 month check up.
I weighed 14 pounds 3 ounces  17 inches for my head
My growth chart is perfectly following the 50th percentile chart.
I am the perfect baby.
Nice to have the doctor say so as well.