Thursday, April 27, 2017

Time sure does fly

Oh my!
I am almost 6 months old !
Where  or where has the time gone , it just has flown by.

My mom and dad are now co workers again.
That is how this all started.
Which is good.  Dad got a raise.

Mom is home with me for a bit this week. Mini vacation on her part.
Nope - she is anxiety ridden check her blog HERE .

Everyone is or has something.  We are all normal.

So I have teeth I LOVE squash and sweet potatoes.
I eat carrots, avocados, squash, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.

Let me tell you I eat a lot I LOVE solids.

Still working on coordination.  Hand eye such.
It is coming along though.

I can grasp for the most part.

I can direct towards my mouth almost there.

I love to roll and twist an almost crawl.
Almost there any day now and I will be crawling.
I am pretty good at sitting in supported for 1 minute, then crash.

Friday, April 7, 2017

teeth and crawling milestones

Two teeth down and many more to go !
I have two teeth fully through now.  Can  you believe that !
I am growing up way so quick - way toooooo quick.

I can roll over from tummy to back
Back to tummy, gimme some time and I will be completely crawling as well.
Yes I said completely.  Haha already trying .

I do not like to sleep any longer at night.  Not to sure what happened there.
Hopefully that will work itself out soon.
Better lol .

I LOVE carrots and squash .  Mom made me carrots from her and dads garden.
Squash and some avacados.  Would have to say I love carrots by far.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Cloth Diapers

When I found out I was pregnant first thing I started to think about were cost , budgets , cutting corners , what we could do.
Breastfeeding was a yes, cost, yes, but for the wellness and the bonding as well.
Cloth diapers though, well yes expensive at one time purchase.  Not like weekly or whatever for
Washing yes, is a cost, but that is not much of a cost that adds up.
I bought from some local shops on line.
I am a mother of 4, lets face it I work full time to
pay for those four kids to have things.
I budget.  I found fantastic choices, fabulous quality.
Shipping does take 3 weeks.
For the price and quality well worth it.

Cloth Diapers - Galore !

My mom is a addict.
She loves cloth diapers.
I have 6 new ones hemp micro fiber. Pocket Diapers.
Bamboo Charcoal Inserts 5 layer.
Like Christmas or your birthday.

4 months Another Milestone

I did it !
Last night.
March 7, 2017 I turned 4 months old.
Also - I rolled OVER !
At the doctors today, I rolled right over as well.
I am growing up quickly.
I have slept through the night twice in the past 4 days.
I eat a bit more now at each and feeding. 
My naps have diminished in time and frequency for certain.
I can play on my tummy 1 minutes at a time.
I love to grab and play from my back as well. Kick and giggle
grasp and pull.  Just learning to what my hands are.
My hands are my most favorite chew thing now.
You can always find them in my mouth .

Today was my 4 month check up.
I weighed 14 pounds 3 ounces  17 inches for my head
My growth chart is perfectly following the 50th percentile chart.
I am the perfect baby.
Nice to have the doctor say so as well.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

My adorable Granddaughter

The sounds I make the words I try to repeat.
I am just growing up so quick.
I cam hold myself away with my arms.
I can hold my head up.  I despise tummy time, but will lay on the mat and play.
I smile so big and melts your heart.
I sleep through the night so much better.  Mom and dad love it.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

We had went shopping, such a tiring task.  Riding around in a cart and everyone oohing and awing over how adorable I am.
I have it under control.  I absorb it all I in and smile.

This picture I was only a week old, not sure who is getting the stink eye, but someone was.
November 17, 2017


We love it when the bag in the mail is diapers :)
Cloth diapers are seriously a addiction.
They are so cute though , so worth the money investment.

We started out with Charlie Banana cloth diapers and still use them.  They are great.
We then bought a few other brands that are so totally awesome.
I am going to start a review thread of them soon.
I will need to get some pictures of what they look like now for comparison and such.
I have been recently buying from
Great selection , wonderful affordable prices.
Let me warn shipping is crazy.  I order anything 3 or 9 at a time and it takes literally 5-6 weeks to receive them.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My first hike walk with daddy.

Currently drooling, snoring, and making the sweetest of sounds ......silence.

Almost another one

Wow time has flown so quick !
Just a few more days and I will be 3 months.
I smile all the time now.  Always trying to have a conversation. 
Want to know all the time what you are doing I am always watching you now.
I sleep much better.  Did not say it was perfect.  Ha
Much better for sure.


Today I am 11 weeks old.  I am growing so fast.
   I have discovered my hands and LOVE to stick them in my mouth far as they will go.
I collect all kinds of things in my tiny fist.
I turn into a HULK strength baby.
I am staying awake a lot longer periods of time now.  I use to sleep all morning afternoon and now I am waking demanding a audience.
A audience I am sure I do get.
I get myself moving at times with my kicks and pushes of the legs.
No telling where you will start to find me.


Friday, January 20, 2017

It's Me Madson

Hello thanks for visiting.

This blog is all about my baby girl, Madison Grace.  She was born November 7, 2016.

Madison is perfect and was so perfect at birth.

7 pounds 2 ounces., beautiful dark eyes and perfect heart lips.

She has lots of dark hair and olive skin toning. Which is lightening with age now.


I can hold my head up perfect right now.  Tummy time is my enemy, please let me push my self off your chest.  I am very vocal and  I LOVE TO SMILE.  I recognize mom and dad right now and turn to them.  I try to grasp at a lot.  I always have my fist in my mouth.


I go to daycare 3 days a week and I love her Sarah.  She is a awesome stay at home mom.

Her son is 4 or so years old and is a ham and other child is adorable.


This will be my daily doings, thoughts, moods, what not be.


I am formula fed, cloth diapered 2 month old.